Terms & Conditions

1. All evaluations/cites depend on our comprehension of your prerequisites and according to given time span. Any progressions to the usefulness including miniaturized scale upgrades, may bring about extra expenses likewise.

2. Website/Application substance and every related material should be given to us inside the initial week of beginning the project. Any delay from that point may postpone the venture and may acquire extra charges on the off chance that it goes past sensible time allotment.

3. Any postponements at customer's end, may defer the project and proposed time allotments and may cause extra expenses.

4. Any bugs (programming mistakes) revealed amid or soon after the advancement does not draw in extra charges.

5. Any re-deal with an officially finished project will draw in extra charges. Any adjustments in the plan after the outline endorsement will acquire extra charges.

6. DigitalGrid for the most part fabricates and tests the sites/applications all alone servers or facilitated areas. DigitalGrid can't offer access to their test servers and test sites to the customers or any outsider. The site/application can be exchanged off to an assigned outsider server upon full installment of all solicitations and contribution.

7. By accepting a quote, you consent to and acknowledge the terms and conditions of DigitalGrid Acknowledgment can be verbal, by email, installment of Initiation, marking a quote.